Environmental know-how makes for durable products.
AS NATURAL RUBBER is a living material it needs the right environment to deliver the best results.
In the case of absorbers for instance, the bond between the rubber and metal is extremely important. It must be strong enough to withstand higher breaking forces than the rubber itself could. In order to achieve the best results, our rubber-metal bond is free from impurities which can jeopardise satisfactory performance.
Which is why we place tremendous importance on the production process environment and make continuous inspections.
And it is not only our products which require a clean environment, the same is true for everyone who works in the factory. We set extremely high standards for ourselves when it comes to waste management, energy usage etc.
Our customers impose ever more stringent environmental demands on us as a subcontractor. Society is also demanding that companies adapt their production to ensure it is environmentally friendly. NINGBO HUIKE always weighs environmental considerations into all strategic decision making.